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Errors while connecting to or working with the broadcasting server

Most common error messages when connecting to a streaming server:

Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 2100
The specified password is incorrect. Please check the password.

Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 2
The server is not available, or the specified server address is incorrect. The problem could be caused by entering an incorrect address or port. Unless you are using Windows Media Services, make sure that there is no “http://” or “ftp://” in the server address.
Other reasons: An antivirus software or a firewall is blocking the connection, or no network connection is present.

Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error -1
One of the most common reasons for Error -1 is someone else being already connected to the server. Always ensure this is not the case.

Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 40
Connection timeout – check server address and port. An antivirus may be blocking the connection.